When I think of hash, I am transported back to my college-day, 3am, post-clubbing haunt: Village Inn. VI’s Garden Skillet was almost always what I ordered and it was the epitome of comfort food. My very own cast iron skillet filled to the brim with potatoes, onions, veggies, gooey cheese and topped with two runny eggs. It wasn’t until many years later that I started making my own hash at home and it is still one of my favorite go-to meals.
As we are muddling our way through the COVID19 pandemic, most of our meals have been made at home—we have only ordered takeout a handful of times—which is a major change for us. When grocery store visits are being kept to a minimum and resourcefulness is on the forefront, hash is the perfect meal: it is one of the tastiest and easiest ways to clean out your fridge! And even during non-pandemic times when you find yourself just blankly staring inside the refrigerator without a clue of what to make—you know what I’m talking about: busy day, no time to shop, the kids have sports or a ton of homework, bellies are grumbling and time is ticking by the second? That’s the perfect time for hash. Potatoes and onions are the only two core items needed for this ultimate comfort food: if you’ve got those two staples, you’re golden. Start rummaging and dicing…