If I had a nickel for every container of hummus that we have gone through in the past year, I could probably buy myself a few cups of coffee from Kahwah. I say “we” loosely, but what I really mean is my husband, Ed: the quantity of hummus he consumes on a weekly basis borders on addiction.
It wasn’t that long ago that Ed and I were discussing his “problem” and he suggested that given how much hummus he eats–and the fact that each carton costs around $4.50– maybe I should be making my own. I started questioning myself and why I had never attempted homemade hummus before. It wasn’t out of lack of interest–I bought tahini with the intent to make hummus at least four times–and then I didn’t…and the tahini expired every time. Tahini is a sesame seed paste that is an integral ingredient in hummus making.