(Top L-R: Tortilla Soup, Red Kuri Squash, My 1905 Salad;
Mid L-R: Green garlic, Broccoli Cashew Salad, Market veggies;
Bottom L-R: Cauliflower Tabbouleh, Chickpea, Grape Tomato & Feta Salad, Melon Gazpacho)
Well, another year is on its way out—they seem to be passing by faster and faster. So much so, that in researching back over the past year for this post, I realized I never posted a ‘Best Of’ for 2018. And beyond that, there was a gap from August 2018 – June 2019 when I didn’t post anything AT ALL! Well, it has been a busy two years with adjusting to being back to work, trying to ‘fit it all in’, and traveling more than we have in some time; it didn’t leave much time for blogging. The 2018 post is now up, and without further ado, here is 2019!